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Modification of Natt-Herrick’s solution using Hibiscus sabdariffa red calyx powder for erythrocyte and leukocyte evaluation in Gallus gallus domesticus

Halima Idrisa Gambo,Taidinda Tashara Gilbert,Hassan Abdulsalam,Samaila Jonathan Badau,Shehu Usman Hassan.

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Background: The Natt-Herrick method is commonly used in veterinary laboratories for quantitative white blood cell counting in birds, as standard automated cell counting is unreliable due to the nucleation of all avian blood cells; as a result, quantitative white blood cell counting in birds is still done by hand. Aim: The research work was designed to compare the staining capacity and suitability of Hibiscus sabdariffa red calyx powder modified Natt-Herrick’s stain and as a natural staining substitute to commonly used standard avian dilution fluids, Natt-Herricks stain and brilliant cresyl blue stain.
Methodology: One hundred apparently healthy local chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) within Maiduguri metropolitan city were used. The chickens were kept in Poultry House of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Maiduguri and were fed ad libitum. The total erythrocyte and total leucocyte counts were determined and compared between modified Natt-Herrick and two other avian standard dilution fluids. Result: There were no statistically significant differences between Hibiscus sabdariffa red calyx powder modified Natt-Herricks’ and the two standard stains when total erythrocyte and leucocytes counts were conducted. The total erythrocyte and leucocyte counts were found to be higher in males than the females which still confirmed the clinical assessment and evaluation. Hibiscus extract revealed distinct and satisfactory staining of the erythrocytes and leucocytes comparable to the two standard stains.
Conclusion: This study therefore, established that Hibiscus sabdariffa red calyx powder modified Natt-Herrick’s stain can be used as dilution fluid for RBC and WBC counts. The Hibiscus sabdariffa red calyx are domestically available, easy to prepare and showed excellent blood cells colouration. However, there is need to improve the staining duration of this local extract as an avian dilution fluid.

Key words: Brilliant cresyl blue stain, erythrocyte, leucocyte, local chickens, Natt-Herricks stain, sorrel red calyces

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