Abstract. Objective: This study was performed in order to creation of a doxorubicin conjugate with methacrylic acid (co)polymers for targeted tumor therapy.
Methods and materials: Results: Poly(t-butylmethacrylate) with the optimal for biocompatible polymers molecular-weight characteristics (Mn= 12,400; Mw/Mn = 1.35) was synthesized by radical polymerization in the presence of thioglycolic acid as a chain transfer agent. The obtained polymer was converted by acid hydrolysis into a water-soluble copolymer of t-butylmethacrylate and methacrylic acid of 20:80 mass%, respectively. The copolymer of t-butylmethacrylate and methacrylic acid was modified with folic acid which has affinity for tumor cells. A conjugate of the copolymer with doxorubicin and also a conjugate with the folate vector were synthesized. Their formation was proved using elemental analysis and IR, UV, NMR spectroscopy.
Conclusion: Thus, in the course of the study the conjugate of doxorubicin was synthesized, combining the drug and a vector for delivery of the drug. This compound is a promising, as it represents a new form of transport delivering a well-known and widely used anticancer agent doxorubicin.
Key words: Keywords: polymeric drug carrier, copolymer of methacrylic acid and t-butylmethacrylate, doxorubicin, folate vector, UV-spectroscopy, IR-spectroscopy, NMR-spectroscopy.