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Original Article

Med Arch. 2016; 70(1): 48-52

Prognostic Significance of Ascites and Serum Sodium in Patients with Low Meld Scores

Dzanela Prohic, Rusmir Mesihovic, Nenad Vanis, Amra Puhalovic.


Objective: to determine ascites and serum sodium significance in short term mortality prediction in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis. Methods: a cohort of 115 cirrhotic patients referred to our Department were followed up for 6 months in non-transplant settings. The c index equivalent to the area under the receiver operating curve (ROC) was calculated and compared to estimate the short-term prognostic accuracy of the following parameters: ascites, serum sodium and MELD score. Results: in patients with a MELD score less than 21, ascites and low serum sodium (c index 0,687, p

Key words: cirrhosis, ascites, serum sodium MELD, mortality.

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