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Pattern of certain health problems among the elderly population in rural Aligarh

Mohd. Maroof, Anees Ahmad, Najam Khalique, Mohammad Athar Ansari.


Background: With the increase in life expectancy, the number of people who have attained old age has increased throughout the globe, particularly more in the developing countries like India. Old age is associated with deterioration of health and increase in morbidity. To provide appropriate care for them there is a need to attain information about their morbidity pattern.

Objective: To study the pattern of certain health problems in the elderly population and to find out the difference in health problems between males and females, if any.

Materials and Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was carried out at field practice area of Rural Health Training Centre, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh using systematic random sampling with probability proportionate to size among 225 rural older individuals using pretested and predesigned questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 20. Tests of proportion and χ2-test was used. P-value

Key words: Elderly, health problems, pattern, rural

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