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Vasorelaxant effects of hydro-ethanol leaves extract of Adansonia digitata on different models of conductance and resistance vessels in rat

Mbaye Sene, Ibrahima Diouf, Awa Ba, Mamadou Ndiaye, Fatoumata Ba, Maimouna Toure, Ndeye Absatou Diaw, Modou Oumy Kane, Mamadou Sarr, Valérie B. Schini-kerth.


Adansonia digitata leaves are utilized in traditional medicine for the treatment of hypertension in Senegal.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the vasorelaxant effects of the hydroethanolic leaf extract of Adansonia digitata (ADF) on rat mesenteric, carotid, femoral arteries, and thoracic aorta.

Rat mesenteric, carotid, femoral arteries, and thoracic aorta rings were suspended in organ chambers for recording changes in isometric forces. They were then balanced for 45 minutes to a basal tension of 1 g and contracted with a KCl solution (80 mM) to verify the integrity of the arteries. After washing with Krebs solution and returning to a basal tension of 1 g, the rings were contracted again with phenylephrine (1 μM) until the concentration plateau was reached, then released by adding acetylcholine (ACh, 1 μM). Vessels were considered to have functional endothelium when acetylcholine induced a relaxation greater than 90%. In some experiments, the endothelium was removed before contraction with phenylephrine and concentration-relaxation responses to ADF were measured.

ADF produced 91.43%, 72.08%, 68.89%, and 71.32% relaxation, respectively, in superior mesenteric, carotid, femoral arteries, and thoracic aorta at 10 µg/ml in endothelium-intact arteries pre-contracted with phenylephrine.

Adansonia digitata induces vasodilation, which may explain its antihypertensive effect and its use in traditional African medicine.

Key words: Adansonia digitata, Vasorelaxant, Rat arteries

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