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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 2013; 20(2): 124-128

Unna Boot in Venous Ulcer Treatment: Evaluation of 30 patients

Mehmet Acıpayam1, M. Hakan Zor2, Levent Altınay1, Hasan Uncu 3, Ümit Halıcı4



Aim: We aim to evaluate the results of the Unna boot practice with this prospective study.

Material and Methods: This study included a total of 30 patients (1 female, 29 male; ages 23–56, mean 33.5) admitted to outpatient clinic with chronic venous leg ulcers. All patients were treated with Unna’s boot. This treatment combined with oral calcium dobesilat 500 mg tabletorally twice a day. As the ulcer was healing, the treatment continued with calcium dobesilate tablets and compression stockings.

Results: Ulcer placement was as follows: around medial malleol 23 (76%); widespread below knee 2 (0.06%); mid-tibial region 2 (0,06%); tibia 1/3 distal region plus medial malleol 2 (0,06%), around lateral malleol 1 (0,03%) patient. Ulcer duration was between 1.5–168 months (mean 25,2). Unna boot was applied between 1–6 times (mean 2.13). Seven (24%) patients had dermatitis manifested with skin dryness and pruritis at Unna boot applied skin region. Four patients had ulcer recurrence and treated with Unna boot.

Conclusion: We think that Unna bandage usage in chronic venous ulcus treatment must be taken into consideration because this treatment method is easy to supply and be applied, low cost of treatment, minimal complication rate and it can be performed effectively and more safely than other treatment modalities in patients with arterial disease.

Key Words: Venous Ulcer; Unna Boot; Venous Insufficiency.

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