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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(4): 343-347

Somatization and conversion disorders: A comparison

Dr. Mustafa Yıldız*, Dr. Ali Akyol**




In this study, we examined 28 somatization disorder (SD) and 23 conversion disorder (CD) diagnosed according to DSM-III-R criteria to compare their demographic variables and family histories. The majority of CD patients (69.56%) and large majority of SD patients (89.28%) were women. There were no alchool and drug dependence, and attemted suicide among the patients. 46.43 percent of SD patients and 34.78 percent of CD patients had visited a traditional mistic healer places and persons before going to the psychiatric treatment. There was no differences between the family history of SD and CD patients in respect to similar somatoform disorder (SD: 17.86%, CD: 13.04%), depressive disorder (SD: 7.14%, CD: 8.70%), alchool abuse/dependence (SD:10.71%, CD: 17.39%), antisocial behavior/personality disorder (SD:14.28%, CD: 17.40%). The rate of chronic physical illness in the family of the CD patients (56.52%) were more than SD families (21.43%).

Key words: Somatization disorder, conversion disorder, sociodemographics

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