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Ann Med Res. 1995; 2(1): 49-53

Postüral deformities of the spine and lower exremities in school children : an epidemiologic study


Dr.M.Nafiz AKMAN*. Dr Yüksel ERSOY*, Dr.Murat ARI*, Fzt. Zübeyir SARI*,Fzt. Ayşen SARI*. Fzt Sevim T ANAÇ AN*




Postüral deformities of the spine and lower extremities in childhood constitute a majör cause of dejenerative conditıons in adults. lûırly detection and treatment oflhese deformities can prevent the person /rom further problems. II e conducted an epidemiolojic study to determine the prevalence of postura! (Jeformities among school children. 395 students choseıı randamly /'rom primary, secondary and high schools of Malatya were iııvestigated. The prevalence of scoliosis ırav 13.92 % and kyphosis vra.v 12.40 %. Pes planus appeared to be the most common deförmity vith a prevalence of 31.8 %. Kyphosis and hallux valgııs were more common in adolesceııt group and nonstructural scoliosis and pes planus were more common in jııvenile groııp The prevalence of genu valgum vas significanıly greater in girls and kyphosis and scoliosis were
grenlerin boys. /Journal oflurgut Ozal Medıccıl Çenter 2( I ):49-53,1995/

Key fVords : Posture. scoliosis, kyphosis. pes jtlanus.

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