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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1996; 3(4): 289-293

The blood lipoprotein levels in presbycusis


Dr. Fehmi Döner1, Dr. Harun Doğru1, Dr. Namık Delibaş2, Dr. Orhan Gedikli1, Dr. Bel ma Pehlivan1




Presbycusis is a sensorineural hearing loss and especially occurs at high frequencies in patients with advanced age. The blood lipoprotein levels and atherosclerosis increase with aging. For this reason the relationship between presbycusis and blood lipoprotein levels has been investigated. This study was performed in two groups. The patient group included 40 patients with presbycusis and the control group 32 normal healthy persons. Odiograms were performed and blood lipoprotein levels determined in two groups. The results were compared statistically. In the patient group, blood total cholesterol and LDL-C levels were found higher than control group. There was no difference between triglyceride and HLD-C levels of two groups. There was a positive correlation between the blood LDL-C, total cholesterol levels and the hearing loss at 4000 Hz in patient group. These results were discussed with literature. [Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 1996;3(4):289-293]

Key Words: Presbycusis, lipoproteins

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