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Ann Med Res. 1997; 4(1): 80-83

Complications of Thyroid Gland Surgery


Adnan Hasanoglu1, MD, Mustafa Şahin1, MD, Ertan Bülbüloglu1, MD, Mustafa Erbilen1, MD,  Ertugrul Ertaş1, MD,




Thyroid operations still have a high risk of complications. The complications and association with the type of operation were evaluated prospectively in 88 patients. Seventy-nine of them were operated on for primary, 6 of them for secondary and 3 of them for thyroid cancer. Bilateral thyroidectomy was performed in 69 patients and 19 patients had unilateral thyroidectomy. The only permanent palsy of RLN occured in a patient with thyroid malignancy following total thyroidectomy. In the 8 RLN nonidentified patients, 2 RLN injury occurred. Only 1 RLN injury occurred out of 80 RLN identified patients (p

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