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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2003; 10(2): 83-85

Isolated True Contractile Left Ventricular Diverticulum in an Adult Patient; A Case Report and Review of the Literature

İrfan Barutçu*, Hakan Güllü*, Ertan Yetkin*, Feridun Koşar*, Sengül Çehreli*




Isolated left ventricular diverticulum, which is characterized by local embryologic development failure of

ventricular muscle, is a rare cardiac abnormality and it may be found in isolated form or with other cardiac


Clinically, it has been reported that it might cause heart failure, arrhythmia or chest pain despite the fact that it

may often follow an asymptomatic course. We present a case of is left ventricular diverticulum, detected in a

patient who referred to our clinic complaining of chest pain.

Key Words: Isolated Ventricular Diverticulum, Chest Pain, Congenital Cardiac Malformation.

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