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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2006; 13(2): 103-104

Mucormycosis in a Case of Fever with Nephrolithiasis


Gülay Yetkin*, Mehmet Refik Bayraktar*, Süleyman Kılıç**




Renal mucormycosis without involvement of the nasal sinuses is an extremely rare opportunistic infection. We report the case of mucormycosis who was negative for the human immunodeficiency virus who presented with fever and fatique and urging. Three sets of blood and urine cultures have collected. Two of the urine samples were revealed mucor with nonseptated hyphal fragments in direct preparation and culture also. The patient was treated with 1mg/kg/day amphotericin B for 2-weeks period. The patient had no residual  dysfunction after treatment. This case suggests the importance of culture collection in fungal infection even in the absence of underlying disease.

Key Words: Mucor, Pyelonephritis

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