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Ann Med Res. 2011; 18(3): 149-154

Antiepileptic and Antidepressant Drugs in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain and Depression of the Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy: A Comparative Study


Yıldız Değirmenci*, Hulusi Keçeci**, Handan Işın Özışık Karaman*




Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of two antidepressants; amitryptline, venlafaxine XR, and two anticonvulsants lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine on pain and depression in diabetic neuropathy (DN).

Material and methods: Following the visual analog scale (VAS), Short-McGill pain questionnaire (SMPQ) and Beck depression inventory (BDI) performance, patients with diabetic neuropathy were randomly treated with lamotrigine (2x50 mg/day), oxcarbazepine (2x300 mg/day), amitryptiline (25 mg/day), or venlafaxine XR (75 mg/day). Patients presented to 6 follow-up visits, within 15 days of intervals. VAS scores were re-measured in each follow-up visits, whereas SMPQ and BDI scores were performed at the end of the study.

Results: There were statistically significant differences between the BDI and SMPQ scores of the all study groups before treatment and at the last follow-up visit (p

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