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Research Article

IJLSAS. 2024; 6(1): 01-26

Isolation and characterization of PGPR from Psidium guajava (Guava) Rhizosphere

Praneta Yadav, Vishvesh Singh, Ashutosh Padhy, Raghuvir Singh, Gurudayal Ram Guru, Vipin Kumar, Satendra Singh.


Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) play a crucial role in enhancing plant growth and development by facilitating nutrient uptake, protecting against pathogens, and stimulating the production of growth-promoting substances. This study is aimed to isolate and characterize PGPR strains from the rhizosphere of Psidium guajava L. (Guava) plants. Rhizosphere soil samples were collected from guava plants, and serial dilution plating techniques were employed to isolate PGPR strains. The isolated bacteria were initially screened for their ability to produces solubilized phosphate and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Selected isolates were further characterized based on morphological, biochemical, and molecular identification techniques. Isolation and characterization PGPR strains from the rhizosphere of guava plants was successfully carried out. The selected strains exhibited significant plant growth-promoting traits, suggesting their potential application as biofertilizers or biocontrol agents. The molecular identification confirmed the presence of beneficial bacteria belonging to the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Cocci in the guava rhizosphere. Further investigations are warranted to explore the specific mechanisms underlying their beneficial effects on guava growth and to evaluate their potential for improving agricultural practices and crop productivity. It will further help in understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying the plant growth-promoting traits of these PGPR can contribute to the development of genetic engineering approaches for crop improvement.

Key words: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, P-sol, Guava, Anti-fungal activities

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