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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2015; 5(2): 51-53

Generalized pustular psoriasis of pregnancy

Fatima Razvi, Nayeem Sadath Haneef, V. Sri Teja, Ramesh Bang, Fatima Ummul Hasnath.


Generalized pustular psoriasis also called as Impetigo Herpetiformis is a rare eruption occurring in pregnancy characterized by generalized symmetrical grouped pustular lesions associated with constitutional symptoms. It was first described by Von Hebra. It results in placental insufficiency leading to fetal anomalies, still births and maternal morbidity. Onset of diseases is usually in the last trimester of pregnancy but we are reporting a case which occurred at 9 weeks gestation.

Key words: Pustular psoriasis, Pregnancy

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