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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2015; 5(1): 18-20

A rare cause of internal herniation - Intermesocolic fossa of Brosike

N. V. N. Reddy, Sunil Koushik.


Internal Hernias are defined as “The protrusion of viscera through a normal or abnormal opening within the boundaries of the peritoneal cavity” which account for 0.5 – 5.8% of small bowel obstructions while Autopsy incidence is 0.2% to 2%. Hernial defect may be congenital or acquired, the latter being the more common variety. Types: Paraduodenal (53%), Pericaecal (13%), Foramen of Winslow (8%), Intersigmoid (6%), Transmesenteric (8%), Retroanastomotic (1-4%), Supravescical and pelvic (6%). Para duodenal Hernias are the most common internal abdominal hernias accounting for half of reported cases. They are basically con-genital in origin representing entrapment of small intestine beneath the mesentery of colon probably occurring due to abnormal embryologic rotation of midgut and variation in peritoneal fixation and vascular folds. Among the paraduodenal hernias left sided hernias predominate, right being less common. We present one such rare case of a congenital, right paraduodenal hernia into the Intermesocolic fossa of Brosike.

Key words: Hernia, Mesocolic fossa, Obstruction

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