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Case Report

“Two-thirds tumor”: A case report on Management and outcome of Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor

Mishal Muhammed Haris,Dimpleja J,Zarrin Rahnuma,Anirban Biswas.

Cited by 0 Articles

The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a rare tumor of epithelial origin which is also known as 2/3rds tumor as it has a unique way of presenting most commonly in maxillae in 2/3rds of cases, about 2/3rd cases are seen in females and 2/3rd cases are associated with unerupted teeth and 2/3rd cases are seen involving canines. There have not been many cases reported in the current literature of AOT presenting itself in children under the age of 15 years as an extrafollicular variety. This case report is of a 13-year-old female diagnosed with AOT in the same "two-thirds" pattern and we plan to shed some insights briefly regarding its salient radiographic features, Histopathology, and treatment protocol undertaken. We have also included details of postoperative follow-up after a period of six months in this case report.

Key words: Extrafollicular, Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumor, Adenoameloblastoma

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