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Case Report

A case of bilateral chylothorax owing to bilateral subclavian vein thrombosis

Babaji Ghewade, Smaran Cladius, Ulhas Jadhav, Swapnil Chaudhari.


Chylothorax is defined by the presence of chyle in the pleural space, which denotes a leakage of lymphatic fluid from the thoracic duct or its tributaries. The various causes of chylothorax include trauma, malignancies such as lymphomas, miscellaneous causes including tuberculosis and idiopathy. Here, we report a case of bilateral chylothorax in a female patient, which resulted owing to bilateral subclavian vein thrombosis that subsided completely after treatment with anticoagulants.

Key words: Chylothorax, subclavian vein obstruction, triglycerides

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