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Case Report

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2024; 22(4): 312-317

Surgical management of grade 2 vaginal prolapse in a six-year-old gravid Sokoto Gudali cow

US Ahmad, AA Abubakar, Z Shehu, N Abubakar, HA Bodinga, S Garba, HU Mungadi, MS Jibrin, AA Jimoh, A Aliyu & MM Ahmad.


A 6-year-old gravid multiparous Sokoto Gudali cow, weighing approximately 250 kg, was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto with the major complaint of straining and protrusion of an abnormal mass around the vulvo-vaginal area. The client revealed that the cow was fed Soya bean bran and table remnants mixed with water few days prior to development of the protrusion and subsequent presentation at the clinic. The cow was reported to be in her last trimester, had received ivermectin injection 4 weeks prior to presentation for the treatment of external parasites and had not received any previous vaccination. There was no history of previous vaginal prolapse during or after previous pregnancies. Management of the condition included reduction of the protruding mass and the replacement to its normal anatomical position. Stay sutures were placed using size 2 nylon thread (EthilonĀ®) along with supportive treatment. The cow delivered successfully 2 months post-treatment. This case presentation revealed that pre-partum vaginal prolapse can occur at the last trimester in cow without the risk of premature termination of pregnancy if immediate intervention is instituted.

Key words: Grade 2, Sokoto Gudali cow, Surgical management, Third trimester, Vaginal prolapse

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