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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(2): 202-204

A necessary condition to keep in mind after blunt trauma: cardiac tamponade

Onur Saydam, Omer Tanyeli, Mehmet Atay, Okan Ugurlu, Mehmet Sait Altintas.

Cited by 1 Articles

Cardiac injuries represent 1% of the thoracic traumas. Cardiac injuries can be presented as blunt or penetrating injuries. In these patients, most important factors in determining the mortality are diagnosis and treatment process. Patients with cardiac tamponade due to blunt trauma can benefit from careful physical and echocardiographic examination. In addition; communication between different centers, giving correct data about the patient, establishing coordination among physicians and making necessary preparations for surgery can prevent loss of time. In this case report we present a 22-year-old male patient who was brought to emergency service after motorcycle accident and diagnosed with cardiac tamponade.

Key words: Cardiac Tamponade; Blunt Thorax İnjury; Surgical Treatment.

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