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RMJ. 2019; 44(3): 626-629

Nutrient and Chemical Characteristics of Prosopis Cineraria (Linn) grown at Thar Desert, Pakistan

Muhammad Najeeb Memon,Allah Bux Ghanghro,Mahvish Jabeen Channa,Irshad Hussain Ghanghro,afsheen Mushtaque Shah,Abdul Rasool Abbasi.


Objective: To determine nutrient and chemical properties of Prosopis cineraria (Linn) plant.
Methodology: After sample collection and identification, the extract was prepared according standard published method. Metals from plants were detected by Atomic absorption Spectrometer acidified method.
Results: Prosopis cineraria (Linn) fruit aqueous extract contained significant percentage of Phytochemicals i.e; Alkaloids, Phenolic Compounds, Tannins, Flavonoids, Saponins, Protein and Carbohydrates. Fruit also contained biologically important metals like Na, K Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Pb and Cd.
Conclusion: This study supports the use of this wild fruits adds some important minerals in diet necessary for body. It is found a very rich source of nutraceuticals, which combate malnutrition and can be used to treat various ailments.

Key words: Nutritional, chemical, Prosopis cineraria, Thar.

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