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Research Article

Haemogram and blood cell morphological changes in haemoparasitic infection of poultry birds

Diano O Diop,Theophilus A Jarikre,Oluwole O Oni,Onyeka C Nwufoh,Oyeduntan A Adediran.

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Aim and Background: The poultry industry faces myriads challenges, necessitating effective management and control strategies. Thus, this study was designed to identify haemoparasite and determine the impact of haemoparasitic infection on blood cells and serum biochemical profiles in some poultry birds in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Methods: The study examined 390 birds of different types and of various types for the prevalence and type of haemoparasites, haematological parameters, and associated risk factors. Thin smears were prepared from each bird and examined microscopically. Erythrocyte morphology, including size variation (anisocytosis), shape abnormalities (poikilocytosis), and other abnormalities were evaluated in the monolayer region of the smear.
Results: The study found that 44.6% were infected with haemoparasites. Five species of hemoparasites were found during this study, including Plasmodium, Haemoparoteus, Leucocytozoon, Babesia and Microfilaria. In single infection Plasmodium spp was the most prevalent haemoparasite (51.72%) followed by Haemoproteus spp 3.45%, Babesia 3.45% and Microfilaria 1.72%. In mixed infection Plasmodium and Haemoproteus (19 %), Plasmodium and Microfilaria (8.62%), Babesia and Plasmodium (6.90%), Babesia and Haemoproteus (1.72%), Plasmodium and Leukocytozoon 1.72%, in triple infection Babesia, Haemoproteus and Plasmodium (1.72%). Infected birds showed significantly lower haematological parameters, with globulin and creatinine being crucial, while albumin was lower, and the difference between red blood cell diameters was not significant.
Conclusion: The study reveals that haematological parameters and biochemical profiles in poultry birds are crucial indicators of their health and offer practical insights for poultry health management.

Key words: Avian, haemoparasites, haematology, biochemistry, morphology

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