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Case Report

RMJ. 2016; 41(2): 274-275

First branchial cleft fistula in a 7 years old girl

Amer Alibrahim, Bahaa Abdulla, Ahmad Abo Gora, Gaith khassawneh, Waseem al Mefleh.


First branchial cleft anomalies are rare, occurring in less than 8% of all branchial abnormalities. Usually, these anomalies diagnosed in early adulthood period with variable presentations like cervical drainage from a pit-like depression at the angle of the mandible, parotid enlargement due to inflammation and auricular signs like recurrent otitis externa and ear discharge. We report a 7 years old female patient who was found to have first branchial cleft fistula, presenting with left ear discharge and mucoid discharge from a tiny opening below the angle of the left mandible.

Key words: First branchial fisula, discharge, branchial cyst.

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