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Epidemiological profile of pedestrian-motor vehicle trauma in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara

Guadalupe Laura Báez-Báez, Berenice Martínez-Melendres, Julio César Dávalos-Guzmán, Ana Méndez-Magaña, Alfredo Celis-de la Rosa, Carlos Enrique Cabrera-Pivaral.

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Background: According to ENSANUT, 60% of deaths are caused by road traffic injuries and affect the most vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Of this percentage, 45% were pedestrians.

Objective: The objective of this study was to define the epidemiological profile of pedestrian-motor vehicle trauma in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on pedestrians injured in car collisions who were referred to a third-level public hospital from 2014 to 2015. The variables comprised the municipality where the event occurred, demographic characteristics, substance abuse, medication, the use of devices while crossing the street, and severity of injury. The information was analyzed using percentages, standard deviation, and χ2 for comparison-related factors according to the injury severity, considering p < 0.05 as statistically significant.

Results: The total number of injured pedestrians was 397. The municipalities with the highest number of injured pedestrians were Guadalajara (41.3%) and Zapopan (29.7%). Males were the most affected (80.4%), with most incidents affecting those in the age group of 18–39 years old (34.5%). Roughly 65% of cases occurred at night and on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The most common injuries were fractures and injuries to the extremities and head, with 27% of injured pedestrians showing severe injuries.

Conclusion: Although we did not find any statistical significance, the information gathered from this study indicates a need to implement preventive strategies about vial education and the improvement of signals and protective elements on the streets to aid vehicle and pedestrian flow and control or reduce the number of injured pedestrians.

Key words: Epidemiologic factors; Injuries; Motor vehicle; Pedestrians; Traffic accident

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