Background: Household cleaning substances are complex mixtures of chemicals including acidic and basic compounds; these products are of potential health hazards and vary widely in their toxic potential. Acids cause more caustic burns than alkalis, and the damage is worse in cases of intentional ingestion.
Objective: To investigate indoor threats of household cleaning substances in Sulaimani city and to observe safety measurement, storage, and ventilation status of those substances used by the women in the area.
Materials and Methods: A prospective descriptive study was carried out between February and April 2015 on 40 women who were responsible for cleaning chores in their households in Sulaimani city. Two research tools were used for conducting this study; first, a questionnaire based on the previous studies was developed as required by the study design. The second tool is a checklist prepared to inspect the labels of the household cleaning substance.
Result: The result of this study showed that all participants were using more than one type of cleaning substance. A total 42% of the participants did not store household cleaners out of childrens reach and 90% of them had no locked storage spaces. Most of the women disposed the unused cleaning substances in the toilet; moreover, the study showed that 38% of respondents did not use household cleaners in a ventilated area, 72% did not use personal protective equipment, 95% of respondents mixed different types of household cleaners, and 88% did not read the instruction labels that were written on the containers. Other findings of the study revealed that 8% of respondents experienced accidental poisoning and 88%, 48%, 42%, and 10% experienced asthma-like symptoms; ear, nose, and throat irritation; skin problems; and nasal congestion, respectively.
Conclusion: This study concluded that handling, utilization, and storage of household cleaning products by women in Sulaimani city were improper, which, consequently, resulted in many severe clinical harmful effects.
Key words: Household cleaning substances, storage, health hazards, personal protective equipment