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Effects of Edible Coatings on Quality Maintenance of Fresh-cut Nectarines

Valentina Chiabrando, Giovanna Giacalone.


The study was conducted to investigate the effects of edible coatings, alone or in conjunction, on overall postharvest quality of fresh-cut Orion nectarine under fresh-cut commercial storage conditions. Three different coatings were used: 2% acid-soluble chitosan, 1.5% sodium alginate and a solution with 1.5% chitosan and 1% sodium alginate. Fresh-cut nectarine slices firmness, color, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and polyphenol oxidase activity were measured. Also microorganism counts of yeasts and moulds were analized. The results indicated that treatments with alginate inhibited decrease in firmness, titratable acidity and delayed browning. Chitosan coating reduced microorganism counts of yeasts and moulds compared to control treatment. Furthermore alginate inhibited the activities of PPO throughout the storage period. Our study suggests that alginate coating treatment may be a promising method of maintaining fresh-cut nectarines quality and extending their postharvest life.

Key words: chitosan, Orion, polyphenol oxidase activity, sodium alginate

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