Mycotoxicosis is a major problem in animal production. We present a report of abortion induced by Aspergillus mycotoxicosis in Sokoto red goats. Nine pregnant Sokoto red does were reported to be fed on a special compounded feed meal after which four had still birth. Vital parameters at presentation, feed samples, blood and swabs from fetal gastric contents were taken for laboratory analyses. Samples of the feed and fetal gastric contents were tested microbiologically and found to be positive for Aspergillus spp. One of the four does manifested anaemia, while two others manifested neutropenia. All nine does also manifested secondary bacterial colonization and infection by Staphylococcus aureus. Sensitivity test was conducted. Supportive injectable vitamin C, sulphadimidine and oxytocin were administered intramuscularly. The does recovered and were subsequently productive. This gave credence to the efficacy of the therapy as drugs administered while managing this case were effective. This therapy is therefore recommended for use in future similar cases.
Key words: Sokoto Red Does, Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Vitamin C, Sulphadimidine