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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 1741-1748

Legal Framework Of Domestic Violence Among Women

Mr. Jitendra Yadav,Dr.Balasaheb Sonajirao Garje,Dr. Atibha Vijaya Singh.


In India, women are the victims of domestic abuse, which is well-known and all too common. To put it another way, gender norms and ideals that place women below males are considered to be the root cause of domestic violence against women. According to the findings of this study, there is a high rate of domestic abuse among Indian women. The prevalence of domestic violence was determined by preparing an interview schedule. In order to get a satisfactory answer, 50 ladies of good fortune were surveyed. The study found that spouses' drunkenness is a major factor in domestic violence. The study found that domestic abuse is still prevalent in Indian society, and women's awareness of domestic violence legislation and organizations is low. Research shows that spouses' drunkenness is an important factor in domestic violence against women.

Key words: domestic violence, women, gender discrimination, gender Sensitization

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