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Review Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(11): 146-150

Analgesic effect of honey bioactive compounds and its role in reducing morphine tolerance

Nur Husna Zakaria, Nor Zidah Ahmad, Siti Norhajah Hashim, Liyana Hazwani Mohd Adnan, Mohamad Halim Mohamad Shariff, Nasir Mohamad, Khairi Che Mat, Nor Hidayah Abu Bakar.


Honey has been used as a supplement nutrient in human for centuries. It exerts antibacterial, anticancer, antiinflammatory properties as well as analgesic activity. But not many studies have been done to analyse effect of honey on morphine tolerance. Hence, this review is targeting on analgesic effect of honey bioactive compounds and their potential in morphine tolerance study.

Key words: Honey, bioactive compound, analgesic , morphine tolerance

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