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Estimation of seaweed extract and micronutrient potential to improve net returns by enhancing yield characters in tomato using correlation analysis

Diksha Choudhary, Monisha Rawat, Vinay Kumar Mashkey, Vinit Sharma, Parvesh Kundu.


In recent days, seaweed extracts are being used as biostimulants in agriculture. Various studies define that it enhances the growth of horticultural crops, but there is still a dearth of information regarding their biostimulant effect on yield and net returns of tomatoes. Hence, this research aims to explore the efficacy of seaweed extract in conjunction with micronutrients to enhance tomato yield, ultimately maximizing the economic returns. A field experiment using a factorial randomized block design with three replications was carried out comprising two factors, factor A, i.e., 12 treatment combinations of Ascophyllum nodosum extract (0.2% and 0.4%), Zinc (0.2%), and Boron (0.2%) applied at 15, 30, and 45 days after transplanting as a foliar spray and factor B, i.e., two hybrid varieties of tomato viz., Tomato no. 575 (red) and Yellow Jubilee (yellow). As per the results obtained, the treatment T12 (Zn @ 0.2% + B @ 0.2% + ANSE @ 0.4%) significantly improved the plant average weight of fruit, number of fruits/plant, equitorial and polar diameter of fruit, yield/plant, average yield/ha and harvest duration for both the studied varieties V1 (Tomato no. 575) and V2 (Yellow Jubilee). Moreover, it positively increased the net returns of tomato crops by enhancing marketable yield to fetch better returns. All the studied yield traits showed a significant positive correlation with the economic traits. The findings indicate significant improvements in key yield parameters, including fruit size, weight, and overall plant health. Moreover, the economic assessment underscores the financial viability of adopting these enhanced agricultural practices.

Key words: Ascophyllum nodosum, Biostimulant, Boron, Foliar spray, Solanum lycopersicum L., Zinc.

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