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RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 371-375

Reasons for non-compliance of Denis Browne Bracing for the correction of clubfoot deformities

Muhammad Jamil, Shehzeen Dua, Husna, Jagdesh Kumar, Nusrat Rasheed, Adeel Ahmed Siddiqui.


Objective: To identify reasons hindering the compliance of bracing.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Clubfoot Outpatient Department, Dr. Ruth K.M Pfau Civil Hospital, Karachi from March-October 2022. A total of 51 participants were included in the study who were registered in our clubfoot OPD during the maintenance phase. Parents/guardians of patients were interviewed with a personal interview survey form after receiving informed written consent.
Results: Out of the total 51 participants, the mean age of participants was 40.49 weeks. In 64.7% patients, both feet were affected, in 21.6% only the left foot and in 13.7% only the right foot was affected. The long duration of the treatment, being a single parent, and emotional reasons contributed to noncompliance of Dennis Brown Splint usage in almost half of the cases (49%).
Conclusion: The prolonged treatment, single parenting, and emotional reasons were common reasons for the hindrance of compliance with the bracing. The parents should be advised to maintain periodic follow up and discuss their problems with the treating physicians.

Key words: Clubfoot deformities, Denis Browne bracing, non-compliance, congenital condition.

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