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Rakan Alqahtani, Wagih Ghnnam, Mohammad Alqahtani, Abdulrahman Qatomah, Awdah AlKhathami, Adel Alhashim.

Cited by 12 Articles

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the most commonly performed laparoscopic procedures. Problems occurring during laparoscopic cholecystectomy include bile duct injury, conversion to open operation, and other postoperative complications. Male gender is a risk factor for LC conversion rate.Our goal is to determine the effect of male gender on the outcome of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for Chronic Cholecystitis. We have done that through a retrospective clinical trial was carried out at our Hospital to evaluate the sex difference as predictor for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. From a total number of 638 patients, who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for Chronic Cholecystitis from 1st January 2012 to 1st of January 2015) two hundred and seventeen patients were excluded according to exclusion criteria and the remaining 421 patients were included.All the operation were done according to standard four-port technique through an open method was used, with first entry port in the periumblical region. 1 Anesthetic technique and perioperative management were the same for all patients during the study period.
Results: Patients who were candidates for elective cholecystectomy , were mostly females with (F:M ratio= 4/1), mean age 40 years (range 13-101 years) with mean age of 45 years(range 20-78 years) for the males, 40years (range 13-100 years) for the females. There were more difficult cholecystectomies in males in comparison to female patients for chronic cholecystitis.
The outcome of this study is male gender is a predictor for difficult laparoscopy for symptomatic gallstones presented as chronic cholecystitis

Key words: Chronic cholecystitis, laparoscopy, Cholecystectomy, male gender

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