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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(10): 027-032

Evaluation of acute and chronic toxic effects of Algerian germander in Swiss albino mice

Imane KRACHE, Naouel BOUSSOUALIM, Noureddine CHAREF, Hayet TRABSA, Soraya OUHIDA, Faycel BENBACHA, Zahret El Youm DAAMOUCHE, Nadia BENZIDANE, Abderrahmane BAGHIANI, Seddik KHENNOUF, Lekhmici ARRAR.


Germander (Teucrium polium) is commonly used as medicinal plant in Algeria against a variety of human diseases. This study aims to evaluate toxic effects of T. Polium methanol extract (TPME) in Swiss albino mice. Biochemical parameters, organs morophology and histopathology were investigated. TPME gave a LD50 of 442.81 and 686.77 mg/kg of body weight (bwt) in male and female mice, respectively. The acute treatment for seven days at a dose of 100 mg/kg of bwt didn’t show any difference in body weight, relative mass and blood biochemical parameters. Histopathological examination revealed a moderate congestion in kidneys and an inflammatory infiltrate in liver. The chronic effect for 30 days at doses of 50 and 75 mg of TPME/kg of bwt resulted in a significant increase of renal (urea), hepatic (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase) parameters, accompanied by a significant decrease of cholesterol level. Histopathological examination confirmed the biochemical tests by the observation of necrosis areas, ballooning degeneration and peliosis in liver sections and the presence of marked vascular congestion in kidneys in both sexes.In conclusion, the use of Teucrium polium L. may cause hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity after prolonged herb administration.

Key words: Teucrium polium L. Methanolic extract. LD50. Biochemical parameters. Acute and chronic toxicity

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