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Efficacy of Agave sisalana n-Hexane Extract in the Control of Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Colloptera: Bruchidae) Pest

Chrinius Hammuel, Musa Mohammed, Olalekan Babatunde Adesina, Usman Jajere Mohammed, Eprhaim Akuaden Audu, Suleiman Bala.

Cited by 3 Articles

Collosobruchus maculatus is a weevil that has been causing great damage to cowpeas especially in the stores. Therefore, there is need to search for biopesticides that can be used to control the pest rather than using synthetic chemicals. In this work different concentrations of Agave sisilana n-hexane extract were prepared using two-fold dilution at 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125 and 1.5625 mg/ml and were used to treat 40 selected beans in different kilner jars. The treated beans were infested with ten (10) identified female and male C. mauculatus each. The result shows that the insect was more killed by the extract at concentration greater than 50 mg/ml. The plant extract was effective against the oviposition and survival of larvae and pupae when compared with the untreated control. In conclusion, the extract of has great potential for use as a plant-based biopesticide for controlling C. maculatus.

Key words: Keywords: A. sisilana, Biopesticide, C. maculatus, and Oviposition.

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