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A study on perceived stress and its determinants among post-graduate junior resident doctors of Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Pratibha Das, Pratiti Panchanan, Abhishek Reja, Debasis Das.


Background: Stress is a highly prevalent problem among post-graduate junior resident doctors in India. Stressed doctors are not only a threat to themselves but also to their patients.

Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of the study are to assess the perceived stress among the post-graduate junior resident doctors of Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on perceived stress among 226 post-graduate junior resident doctors of Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata. By simple random sampling technique, participants were selected and questionnaires were given. Questions in the questionnaire were regarding residency related factors that led to perceived stress among the study participants. Perceived stress was assessed using the perceived stress scale (PSS).

Results: 64.6% of participants had moderate stress, 20.8% had high perceived stress, and 14.6% had low stress as per PSS. Multiple responses were obtained as a response to the most stressful part of residency, where 20.4% cited “patient management,” 27.4% cited “academic presentation,” 30.5% cited “undertaking thesis work,” 48.7% cited “working hours,” 31% cited “completing syllabus,” 15% cited “relation with colleagues”, and 5.8% cited “toxic working environment” as the most stressful parts of their residency. A statistically significant association was observed between gender (P = 0.007) and the branch (P = 0.025) with PSS.

Conclusion: Post-graduate resident doctors were under different degrees of perceived stress due to various aspects of their residency program. Actions must be taken to address the issues cited as the most stressful parts of their residency. Proper counseling must be arranged to curb the hazardous effects of being under such constant stress.

Key words: Junior Resident Doctors; Perceived Stress; Branch of Post-graduation; Thesis; Working Hours

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