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Acquaintance of medical students with the National List of Essential Medicines

Chetan K Jani, Apurva Agrawal.


Background: Undergraduate medical students are future prescribers of medicines, and they must understand the concept of essential medicines and their importance in healthcare. Regulations on Graduate Medical Education Amendment 2019, has revolutionized Indian medical education by introducing competency-based medical education which states that the major goals for an Indian medical graduate are to acquire the competency of a “clinician who understands and provides preventive, promotive, curative, palliative, and holistic care with compassion.” The National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) has been included as a core topic in the curriculum of undergraduate medical students. This research attempted to understand the level of knowledge regarding the NLEM among undergraduate medical students.

Aim and Objective: To assess the baseline level of knowledge regarding the NLEM among undergraduate medical students.

Materials and Methods: A questionnaire-based study was done among medical students of a government tertiary care teaching hospital in India. 1st year students were excluded as they were not taught about Essential Medicines and NLEM. A pre-validated multiple-choice questionnaire was distributed to medical students and information was collected related to knowledge regarding NLEM significance, criteria for inclusion in NLEM, terminologies, and drugs in NLEM that are used for common conditions.

Results: Out of 600 students 237 (39.50%) students responded. 98 (41.35%) students were aware of recent NLEM-2022, 91 (38.40%) students were aware of terminologies used in NLEM, and 71 (29.96%) students were aware of the criteria for inclusion of any drug in NLEM. 175 (73.84%) students were unaware of updates in NLEM-2022. 165 (69.62%) students were unaware of the number of medicines added and deleted in NLEM-2022.155 (65.40%) students were not able to answer the questions regarding drugs for anaphylaxis and new antihypertensive drugs included in recent NLEM-2022.

Conclusion: Knowledge regarding NLEM is limited among undergraduate medical students. To sensitize medical students to rational drug therapy, there is an urgent need to improve their knowledge related to NLEM via educational interventions.

Key words: National List of Essential Medicines; Undergraduate Medical Students; Questionnaire; Knowledge

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