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Review Article

Open Vet J. 2024; 14(6): 1330-1344

Unveiling insights into bovine tuberculosis: A comprehensive review

Aswin Rafif Khairullah, Ikechukwu Benjamin Moses, Muhammad Khaliim Jati Kusala, Wiwiek Tyasningsih, Siti Rani Ayuti, Fedik Abdul Rantam, Ima Fauziah, Otto Sahat Martua Silaen, Yulianna Puspitasari, Suhita Aryaloka, Hartanto Mulyo Raharjo, Abdullah Hasib, Sheila Marty Yanestria, Nanis Nurhidayah.

Cited by 1 Articles

The frequent zoonotic disease known as "bovine tuberculosis" is brought on by the Mycobacterium bovis bacteria, which can infect both people and animals. The aim of this review article is to provide an explanation of the etiology, history, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, transmission, risk factors, public health importance, economic impact, treatment, and control of bovine tuberculosis. Primarily, bovine tuberculosis affects cattle, but other animals may also be affected. Bovine tuberculosis is present throughout the world, with the exception of Antarctica. Cattle that contract bovine tuberculosis might suffer from a persistent, crippling illness. In the early stages of the disease, there are no symptoms. The tuberculin test is the primary method for detecting bovine tuberculosis in cows. Depending on its localized site in the infected animal, M. bovis can be found in respiratory secretions, milk, urine, faeces, vaginal secretions, semen, feces, and exudates from lesions (such as lymph node drainage and some skin lesions). This illness generally lowers cattle productivity and could have a negative financial impact on the livestock business, particularly the dairy industry. The most effective first-line anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy consists of isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampin, and streptomycin. Second line drugs used against bovine tuberculosis include ethionamide, capreomycin, thioacetazone, and cycloserine. To successfully control and eradicate bovine tuberculosis, developed nations have implemented routine testing and culling of infected animals under national mandatory programs.

Key words: Bovine tuberculosis, Cattle, Infectious disease, M. bovis, Public health

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