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Colonic Barotrauma Due to High Pressure Compressed Air: A Case Series and Review of Literature.

Nandkishor Sopanrao Sude, Venkata Pavan Kumar Karanam, Prasanth Gurijala, Ravi Kumar Teppa, Vinay Kumar Salvadi, Madan Haravu Srikantegowda.

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Iatrogenic colonic injury induced by barotrauma during colonoscopy is not uncommon but non iatrogenic injuries due to high pressure compressed air are extremely rare. Such instances are frequently reported among young male industrial workers with access to machinery like high grade air compressors. Trans anal insertion of nozzle of industrial air compressor as a prank or pervert act leads to multiple site colonic injuries leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Degree of injury depends on anatomical factors, air pressure and air velocity. In this case series, we report our experience with treating three such patients with high pressure colonic barotrauma.

Key words: barotrauma, high pressure, air compressor, colonic injuries

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