Original Research |
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JPAS. 2019; 17(1): 91-102 Reservoir Potential of Gombe Sandstone around Kalshingi Area, Northern Benue Trough, N-E, Nigeria.Nuru Abdullahi Nabage,Abubakar Sadiq Maigari,Samson O,Nura A Yelwa,Ibrahim Mohammed Abdullahi. Abstract | | | | Granulometric and petrographic analyses were carried out on the Gombe Sandstone around Kalshingi area of the Gongola Basin, Northern Benue Trough with the aim of investigating its reservoir potential. Based on the granulometric analysis, the Gombe sandstone in the study area consists of coarse to very fine grained and poorly to moderately well sorted. The sandstones are mostly negatively skewed with dominantly unimodal distribution which indicates accumulation from a single source. Based on the petrographic study, quartz, feldspar (plagioclase) and rock fragments are the framework elements found in the sediments. The sandstones are arkosic to subarkosic, dominantly matrix supported, poorly-moderately sorted with angular to sub-rounded (low sphericity) grains. These are indications that the sediments have suffered only short distance of transportation, thus making them of poor-moderate reservoir quality.
Key words: Gombe sandstone, reservoir, arkosic, matrix supported, sorted.