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J Res Educ Indian Med . 2010; 16(1-2): 27-32




Anaemia is the world’s second leading cause of disability and thus one of the most
serious global public health problems. The persons suffering from anaemia are unable to function
at their full potential either mentally or physically. Nine out of ten anaemia sufferers live in
developing countries. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the role of single drug Haritaki
(Terminalia chebula) in the patients of anaemia. The clinical trial was conducted on 45 patients
who were divided in three groups of 15 patients each. Group A received Haritaki, Group B
received Haritaki with Guda (jaggery) while Group C was given placebo for one month. The
changes in the objective and subjective parameters were noticed after one month. The overall
improvement in subjective parameter in Group A was 76.08% while in Group B was 68.01% and
in Group C was 7.70%. Group A showed 17.96% increase in Hemoglobin percentage while Group
B showed 14.71% increase in Hemoglobin and Group C perceived 1.22% increase in Hemoglobin
percentage. The results were highly significant in Group A and Group B while insignificant in
Group C. Haritaki and Guda Haritaki both were found potent in alleviating pandu roga. Haritaki
churna gave better result than Guda Haritaki.

Key words: Haritaki, Terminalia chebula, Pandu roga, Anaemia

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