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Review Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(10): 091-095

A brief review on medicinal plant Tagetes erecta Linn

Lokesh J Shetty, Farouk M Sakr, Kais Al-Obaidy, Mohammed J Patel, Hidayatullah Shareef.


Medicinal plants, its derivatives and characterized secondary metabolites are widely used for medicinal purposes, are becoming popular all over the world as a natural alternative to synthetically produced chemicals both in Traditional and Allopathic system of medicine. The beneficial effect of herbal medicine typically result from the combination of secondary metabolites produced in the herbs such as glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, gums etc. There is a need for the documentation of research work carried out on these herbs, hence forth timely review on the herb Tagetes erecta Linn. Methodology used in the review is based on the published original research articles through exhaustive search through scientific databases; Saudi Digital Library, Pubmed, and Science Direct etc. Reviewed parameters are ethonomedicinal uses, chemical constituents, pharmacological and non Pharmacological studies on medicinal plant Tagetes erecta Linn.

Key words: Tagetes erecta Linn, Phytoconstituents, pharmacological screening, marigold.

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