Diabetes has become one of the major causes of premature illness and death in most
countries. Vascular complications; both micro and macro vascular predominate the features of Indian
diabetic patients due to delayed diagnosis and late presentation of the syndrome. Therefore many
complications like Polyneuropathy are present at diagnosis. It is common, often severe but
frequently unreported and inadequately treated. Lot of research on diabetic neuropathy is being
done and reported but an considerable portion of it which is conducted by Ayurveda academic
institutions go as part of PG & Doctoral thesis go unnoticed and unpublished. Hence an attempt
is made to review the available academic clinical researches concerned with the management of
diabetic polyneuropathy in the present article. A sudden surge of interest towards the complications
of Diabetes can be noted by the number of works done after 2005 (out of 15, 12 were carried
out after 2005). The works reviewed are based on obtained transcripts of the thesis or by personal
communication or by acquaintances. Seven works/ abstracts (46.67%) were retrieved out of 15.
Key words: Diabetic neuropathy, Ayurveda, Systematic review, PG and Ph.D.Thesis.