Cissus quadrangularis Linn. (Sanskrit : Asthishrinkhla) a herbal drug belonging to
Vitaceae family has been described in ancient Ayurvedic texts (Bhava Prakash and Chakradatta
etc.) as a general tonic and for the enhancement of fracture healing. In Indian folklore also this
drug (stem powder or juice) is used to promote the fracture healing. To validate its effect scientifically
on fracture healing, the present study was planned and carried out. In this study 21 Wistar rats
(Rattus norvegicus) were used as experimental model. To create identical fractures in the animals
the left Radial bone of each rat (Wistar rats) was osteotomised. Animals were divided into three
groups of seven each. Asthishrinkhla Swarasa (Stem juice of Cissus quadrangularis Linn.) was
given in appropriate dose (0.18ml 12 hourly) to 1st group. In group II it was given in double the
dose of group I. Group III was considered as a control group and sterile water was given to this
group to balance the handling stress in all the groups. Duration of trial was four weeks. Healing
was assessed radiologically, bio-chemically and histopathologically. Finally statistical analysis
revealed encouraging results
Key words: Cissus quadrangularis, Fracture healing, Asthishrinkhla, Histopathology, Medicinal
plants, Ayurveda, Experimental studies.