Context: India has designed ISM&H Policy in 2002 to emphasis the developmentof AYUSH due to public patronage of these systems. It is important to evaluate the implementationstatus of the policy in the period of eight years of its course. Aims: To ascertain the degree towhich ISM&H Policy has been implemented. Design: A record based secondary data analysis wasconducted during November 2010 to April 2011. Methods and Material: An implementationassessment tool containing 85 items was designed which had various domains described in policy.Various documents issued by MOHFW, Department of AYUSH, CCIM, CCH, CCRAS, CCRH,CCRUM, CCRYN, NMPB, CDSCO, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Planning Commissionetc. were analyzed. Websites of concerned agencies were also scrutinized. Score of one wasassigned to strategy/provision which had been implemented. The total score per component ofpolicy and overall scores was calculated into the percentage and graded as Excellent, Good, Fairand Poor. The data was analyzed with the help of Microsoft Excel 2007. Results: Overallimplementation score of ISM&H Policy was found to be 76.5%. Implementation status was foundto be excellent, good, fair and poor for ten, two, four and one components of ISM&H Policyrespectively. Conclusions: Implantation status of ISM&H policy was excellent. At same time,implementation status of some provisions of policy was found to be rudimentary. Governments hould support ISM&H by a significant increase in budget.
Key words: ISM & H Policy, AYUSH, Implementation, Evaluation, CCIM, CCH, CCRAS,CCRH, CCRUM, NMPB, CCRYN