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J Res Educ Indian Med . 2009; 15(1): 19-24


1 Dhiraj D.Nikam, 2 Yogini S.Jaiswal, 3. S.S. Jirge, 4 Yogesh Chaudhari.


In Ayurveda, the leaves of S. sesban are purgative, maturant demulcent, used in all pains and inflammation and is credited with anthelmintic properties. Scientific parameters are not yet available to identify the true plant material and to ensure its quality. Therefore the present work has been undertaken to establish the necessary pharmacognostic standards for evaluating the plant material. Various parameters like morphology, microscopy, physico-chemical constants and phytochemical profiles of the leaves were studied and the salient diagnostic features are documented.

Key words: Sesbania sesban; Pharmacognostic, Microscopy, Physico-chemical constants, Phytochemical profiles.

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