Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of close reduction and Ilizarov Fixator in the management of tibial plateau fractures.
Method and Material: This case series study was conducted in the Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Postgraduate Medical Institute Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar from October 2013 to April 2015 on eleven consective patients of either sex. All patients of age 20 and above with any type of intraarticular fracture were included in the study. Radiolgically healing was confirmed by seeing callus formation and obilitration of fracture lines while clinically by absence of pain. Outcome was graded with the help of Rasmussen knee score.
Results: There were 8(72.7%) male and 3(27.3%) female patients. Minimum age was 25 years, maximum 60 and average age was 40 years( Std Deviation 12.057). Rasmussen anatomical knee score was excellent in 7(63.6%) patients and good in 4(36.4%)patients, while Rasmussen functional knee score was excellent in 4(36.4.3%) patients, good in 5(45.5%) and fair in 2(18.2%) patients. The functional outcome was graded with the help of Rasmussen knee score12 (Figure 1 and 2) immidaite after removal of the fixator and six months after removal. All the data was collected with help of proforma and then put and analyzed with SPSS version 17.
Conclusion: Ilizarov fixator is best in tibial plateau fractures where extensive soft tissue dissection and internal fixation can results in to skin loss, infection and fixation failure.
Key words: Plateau fracture, Ilizarov, Ring fixator, Rasmussen knee score, Tibia.