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Review Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 77-82

Factors Affecting Talent Retention of Non-Academicians in Malaysia’s Premier Education University

Ahmad Amri bin Zainal Adnan, Raja Muhamad Yusof Raja Aziz, Arsalan M. Ghoury, Muhamad Shahbani Abu Bakar.


Retention and turnover are two issues that remain to be in the spotlight of both human resource professionals and researchers. The rise of gen-y and gen-z in the workforce could bring forth new needs and preferences. This study tends to uncover the factors that underlie the retention and turnover of employees in the Malaysian higher learning institution setting and to compare the literature for similarities and differences in the subject matter. Respondents were non-academicians in a premier education university. The survey uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The survey was done using a ranking method questionnaire consisting of 10 items for retention factors and 10 items for turnover factors. Respondents were asked to rank the items from 1 (most determinant) to 10 (least determinant). Descriptive analyses were used to interpret the data. An open-ended question was also asked the respondents to understand their choices (to stay or quit). Besides the interview method, the study also utilized past literature and reports for analysis. The result showed that in the higher learning institution setting, the retention and turnover determinants are slightly different from other industries, but in general, the manager’s behavior still is the underlying cause of these determinants.

Key words: Talent Retention; Non-Academician; Education

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