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Original Article

AJVS. 2015; 46(1): 110-116

Parasitic Hazard of Some Imported Frozen Fish

Mohamed M. Mousa, Fatma A. Hiekal, Samia M. EL-Hoshey, Mohamed A. Khamis.


A total of 100 frozen fishes belonging to four different fish species were examined for presence of different types of parasites from April 2014 till the end of November 2014 , four types of parasites were identified , Nematode , Trematode , Protozoa and Crustacea .
Total prevalence of each type of fish was as following, Herring fish (Clupea harengus ) was the most susceptible to parasitic infection as the infection rate was 96% for different species of parasites , this followed by Mackerel (Scomber scombrus ) at the infection rate 92% , then the Horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) at the infection rate 88% and Fish fillet (Pangasius hypophthalmus)was less susceptible to parasitic infection at the 16%.

Key words: parasites, nematode, anisakis , frozen, fish

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