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NJEAS. 2024; 2(1): 150-156


Danjuma Emimaru Umar, Abdulhameed Danjuma Mambo, AKEEM G AMUDA, Anthony Muoka.

Cited by 0 Articles

Proximate and Ultimate analysis of a MSW materials collected from Gosa Idu Dump site is herein presented; the variability of a MSW material trace to citizens’ life style and social status reflect the compositions. Municipal solid waste as cited by many others consists of organic materials, leather, plastics, metal/iron, glasses, rubber etc. The research on energy value assessment commenced on the 30th September, 2023 with collection of random samples and instant characterization for a steady duration of seven days. Both proximate and ultimate analysis was used in carrying out the research. Test result on characterization showed MSW exhibiting average percentage composition of organics at 64.43%, Leather 12.21%, plastics 3.36%, and rubber 1.82%. The sampled MSW was subjected to proximate and ultimate analysis to include; moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash content, carbon, hydrogen, Nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen which are vital for computation of energy value assessment. The result of both proximate and ultimate analysis showed that the percentage of carbon content range from 35.33 to 46.67%, Hydrogen from 6.91 to 10.55%, Nitrogen from 1.13 to 2.18%, sulphur from 0.72 to 1.62% and Oxygen from 33.25 to 46.68%. The total energy recovered from the MSW sample collected from Gosa is 497,097.75 Kcal/kg depicting the overall energy potential of the Dump site. The research recommend adopting proximate and ultimate analysis as explorations and exploitations technics of energy value assessment of MSW and possibility of setting up a pilot test plant for waste to energy conversion of energy potentials for small scale power generation plant.

Key words: Municipal Solid Waste, Proximate Analysis, Ultimate Analysis, Gosa Dumpsite.

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