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Original Research

NJEAS. 2024; 2(1): 291-299


Sadiya Inuwa Fuka, Onyebuchi Mogbo Nwabueze.

Cited by 0 Articles

This study aims to assess the safety and health management practices in some selected sites in Abuja. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the existing safety and health protocols and procedures at construction sites in Abuja, identify the challenges and shortcomings in the implementation of safety and health measures in the construction industry in Abuja, and explore improvement strategies for safety and health management practices in the construction sector in Abuja. The study hypothesizes that there is a significant relationship between safety and health management practices and the occurrence of accidents in construction sites in Abuja. The study used a mixed-methods approach, including questionnaires and observation checklists, to collect data from regulatory bodies, construction companies, and laborers at five construction sites in Abuja. The study also identified that the individual, organizational, and institutional system influence risks assessment, communication, and control at construction sites. The study recommends frequent staff training on health and safety work procedures, improvement of internal communication channels to be carried out by the safety managers and officers, and reinforcement of positive employee attitude towards safety. Effective communication is an integral component of an efficient and safe workplace. There are skills and some kind of knowledge base that are critical to the safe and proper execution of any job. The Cronbach Alpha value gotten is 0.942879065 falls under the 0.8-0.9 range which means that the value gotten for the Cronbach alpha is good. The decision rule is to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative if the sig. value of the variables under study is lower than 0.05 level of significance. The alpha value gotten was 0.77 and the p-value to be 0.000511605 which means and signifies that the null hypothesis is rejected and there is indeed a significant difference. In conclusion, the research is accepting the alternative hypothesis which states that A meaningful correlation exists between safety and health management practices and the incidence of accidents at construction sites.

Key words: safety, health, management, risks assessment, construction site,

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